Posts Tagged ‘full moon is good for sex’

As i approached the front door, my nose was forced to take whiffs of smoke and rancid sweat. I closed my eyes and tasted energy, like the monotony of the beating ground pounding against the soles of my feet. My heart picked up its pace as I squeezed myself through the crowded entrance, pressing myself against countless bodies grinding against each other, gyrating to inexplicable sounds.

there you were. Staring out the window, your gaze locked in the fairy lights of the sleeping city. Your long, wavy hair vibrating in the air while the curves of your silhouette remain as motionless as death. And as if a feather had flown into my hands, you turned your face towards me. Oh those eyes. Those sparkling pearls that drowned a nation in its milky white sea, a glare so bright it broke the heart of the moon in the darkest of nights. You turned again. And this time, you turned and looked at me. Staring deep into my eyes, you pierced through the superficial embodiment of me.  Cutting every vein, every artery, every string that tries to connect and complete me. You sucked the air around us and flung my frail body around the room in an infinite vortex of doom.

It was then that i knew that all i wanted to do in life… was to put my throbbing penis in your small and tight mouth.